Monday, August 2, 2010

love on yourself a little

A few weeks ago, I took a trip to Naples, Florida.  I've flown so much that I hardly pay any attention to the pre-flight safety schpeel from the attendant, but I always find myself pondering the oxygen mask part.  Should the air situation in the cabin become a bit dodgy, and should I find myself seated next to a small child or some other being needing assistance, I must ensure that I attach my own mask first.  Then I can go ahead and help my little buddy next to me.  Now, wait a second, this doesn't seem to fit my idea of an act of selflessness, heroism, even.  I'm confused.  Shouldn't I think of others before myself?

Last month I posted about a particularly wonderful day that I in which I got to do nearly all of my favorite things.  Today I find myself in a similar posture.  Today I've enjoyed a jog with a great friend, my favorite drink from Starbucks (Americano with a splash of half & half, please!), and the purchase of a few new additions to the wardrobe.  Now, I find myself resting with a magazine on a ridiculously comfortable couch, and feeling above all things, thankful.  I've noticed on these days when I'm a little kinder to myself, I seem to have more kindness left to give to the people living life around me.  Rather than scraping the bottom of the jar for sweet words to say, it feels as though they come spilling over the top.  The more I love on myself a bit, the more inclined I am to love on my family, my friends, my neighbors, even strangers.

It seems that the same rule that applies in the cabin of an airplane applies in the little town in whose streets I jog around, go to work, do my shopping, etc.  While I can't get a pedicure every week, or always have time to take a long stroll to the coffee shop, it helps to nurture myself every once in a while. Even if it's just a moment in the busy day to stop.  And breathe.  I've got to remember, like I do in mid-flight, that if I have any hope of bringing life to the people around me, I've got to let it come inside my own lungs first.

1 comment:

  1. Ok. I want to see all your blog postings put together into a book someday! Your gift just begs to be shared with the wider world out there. Thanks for taking the time to write, Taylor. What delight you bring to those of us who happen to hit the button called agroveoflittlethings.
