Saturday, June 19, 2010

i dare you to sing as loud as you can

This day is one for the books.  I'm staying this weekend at my dear friends' house, who have entrusted me with their home and two lovely dogs.  Even though it's just down the road, I decided I'd let myself do nearly all of my favorite things and write it off as a summer va-ca.

1. Woke up early to coffee and the New York Times (I had my pick, too.  These guys have more printed pages than the Library of Congress)
2. Jogged through the park to an early class at Villa Sartain.  I hate to sound so new agey but yoga is seriously changing my life.
3. Walked Churchill to the NB Farmer's Market where I filled my tote with portabellas, sweet blackberries, and a summer favorite- peaches.  It's easy to 'bite off more than I can chew' at the FM...good thing I only had a twenty.
4. Enjoyed a lunch and iced tea in the kitchen as the afternoon light danced across the table.
5. The alone time gave me the rare opportunity to play my guitar and sing my favorite songs at an unreasonable volume. Have you ever sung something as loud as you possibly can?  Recommended.
6. Afternoon siesta. No alarms, no problem.
7. Now I'm blogging, which is a newer joy...who knew this would become a place I'd love to visit?

Soon I'll pick up some hamburger buns and head to my parents' up the street.  Tonight we're grilling burgers (and of course the portabellas!)  I'm glad for this kind of finale.  Even on a perfect day, when I get to do all my favorites, it's good to hear the sound of other people, with their own lives, and their own favorite things.  I like how we mix together in this wonderful Cobb salad kinda way, tossed around until you couldn't imagine the ingredients in any other combination. I think I'll make them play Scrabble.

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